Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Defiance In Dreams, 1999.08.20

Defiance in dreams
And delicate fancies
That tease the tongue
Swirl round the mouth
To entice the senses
Forcing darkness retreat
For a moment of flash
And just then
I feel alive
Risk it all for that sensation

Defiance in dreams
I cast off my work-a-day weights
And hurl them at their makers
To run through high fields
With hair streaming
As light breaks
To expose my sex
And chilled flesh
Inviting me to follow its path

Defiance in dreams
I usher them out of the bedroom
From the recesses of my mind
And into the starkness of day
To clash with suits and sounds of the city
The depth of the rift
Urges me to take other refuge
Where dreams and reality mingle
One enriched by the other.